AG DOK - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dokumentarfilm e.V.
Schweizer Straße 6
D-60594 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 69 623 700
WE ARE ...
... the major associatIon for documentary filmmakers in Germany. With more than 900 members, the AG DOK is one of the largest professional organisations in the German TV and film ecosystem.
The AG DOK unites filmmakers from all professions and branches, including directors, producers, writers, editors, sound and camera people, and offers them:
- a strong and dynamic lobby on a mission to improve production and contractual conditions for documentary filmmakers and to strengthen the representation of the documentary genre in film and television
- a professional network with swift mutual support via an internal mailing list and through regional groups
- affordable and customized advanced training programs through the AG DOK Academy
- tax and legal consultations with proven experts as well as price reductions for insurance, software, conferences, etc.
- a free press pass
- practical know-how and tips about film funding, project budgeting, marketing as well as film policy studies and much more in our internal Knowledge base of the AG DOK website
- representation of the German documentary scene at international festivals and markets as well as through the annual catalogue German Documentaries
We make colleagues out of competitors!
- a strong and dynamic lobby on a mission to improve production and contractual conditions for documentary filmmakers and to strengthen the representation of the documentary genre in film and television
The AG DOK offers its members a number of benefits in addition to mutual support within the network and regional meetings along with very reasonably priced advanced training workshops in the AG DOK Academy. These include:
- one free preliminary consultation with our entertainment lawyers and with our tax advisor per year valued at up to 240 Euros
- specific legal consultation concerning the artists’ social insurance Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) for those insured and those liable to tax valued at up to 120 Euros per year
- discounts for liability insurance and two film insurance packages valued at up to 1,150 Euros
- discounts with associated film organisations, professional events, additional insurance and broadcast equipment dealers of up to 330 Euros annually
- free press pass (upon presenting appropriate credentials) valued at 50 Euros
- subscription to the film-political information service Black Box with eight issues annually valued at 40 Euros
- reduced-rate accreditations for various documentary film festivals
- use of our knowledge database "KnowledgeBase", which is gradually being expanded and which edits various knowledge-related topics concerning documentary filmmaking in an understandable manner
- Use of the the internal AG DOK network (members’ mailing list), in which 900 pros exchange tips and tricks and provide mutual support – valued at: priceless!
STILL HAVE QUESTIONS? - then give us a call (+49-69 - 62 37 00) or send us an an EMAIL
The AG-DOK regions organise events for AG DOK members on a regular basis. Guests are generally welcome to attend.
The AG-DOK regions are not organised along any old borders. They are local chapters of active members who contribute vital industry information for their region.REGION BERLIN / BRANDENBURG
With nearly 400 members, Berlin-Brandenburg is the largest region of the AG DOK. The two state film schools, numerous premiere cinemas, …
Renowned production companies, distributors and sales companies ensure a diverse and attractive range of documentary films, many of which are shaped and supported by AG DOK members.
The Berlin-Brandenburg regional group includes the states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony, Thuringia, and the southern part of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
Our regional meetings usually take place the second Monday of each month. For exact dates and topics please send an email to one of the Berlin contacts below and request to be added to the Berlin mailing list (also open to non-members).
The meetings serve as an exchange of information and expertise on topics such as cross-media, distribution, film funding, legal issues, etc.
We also invite invite guests from the regional broadcaster RBB as well as the regional film fund Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH on a regular basis.
Minh An Szabó de Bucs
Roshak Ahmad
Helge Renner
Paul Henschel
E-Mail: agdok-berlin@agdok.deREGION BAVARIA / Munich
Monday meetings: The Bavarian chapter of the AG DOK meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Munich to exchange information and ideas, make plans and engage in creative debates.
Over the years, the approximately 120 documentary filmmakers in the group have organised a number of events on technical issues and film policy such as sound in documentary film, film technology, the "Third World" and the AG DOK’s history. From the very beginning, Munich filmmakers have provided important impulses to the AG DOK, and were the driving force behind the founding of the International Documentary Film Festival Munich more than twenty years ago. Among the long-standing events of the Bavarian AG DOK is the so-called "Island Filmmakers" – an intensive weekend of film viewings and discussions that takes place every autumn on the Fraueninsel in the Chiemsee.Get Togethers:
If you are interested in documentary film and would like to get to know us, the AG DOK in Bavaria, please contact the regional board for the exact location and time of the monthly meetings. We look forward to your visit!Contact:
Elisabeth Mayer
Stephan Bleek
E-Mail: bayern-info@agdok.deREGION NORTH
The Region North includes more than 100 members from the federal states of Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Bremen, Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The northern German members of the AG DOK meet on an irregular basis in Hamburg and Hannover for informational events, film screenings and discussions about film business and policy.
Topics include the working conditions of freelance documentary filmmakers, distribution, and funding. The programme also includes meetings with film funders, commissioning editors and cultural policy makers, as well as events in cooperation with cinemas such as the Abaton and Lichtmess under the title THE AG DOK PRESENTS.
From time to time we organise joint events with other associations such as the Freischreiber or the Bundesverband Filmschnitt Editor (Federal Association of Film Editors). Since 2013, the AG DOK has been a cooperation partner of the Film and Media Forum Lower Saxony. During the Nordic Film Days, the AG DOK offers seminars and operates an information booth.
For Bremen and Lower Saxony
Johannes Bünger
E-Mail: buenger@pieperundpartner.deFor Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Martina Fluck
E-Mail: martina.fluck@yucca.filmproduktion.de
Telephone: +49 (0) 160 4392130REGION WEST / Cologne
The western AG DOK chapter includes over 100 documentary filmmakers along the Rhine River and in the Ruhr area. Our members include writers, directors, cinematographers, journalists, editor as well as small and large production companies.
Over the past two years, the AG DOK welcomed 54 new members in North Rhine-Westphalia alone – proof of how more and more colleagues value having an association at their side that is committed to representing and fighting for its members’ interests.
Naturally, we will continue to play an active role in media policy decision-making processes when it comes to questions of film exploitation, funding policy, broadcaster interests or gender equality policy, to name but a few.
But we also enjoy meeting with our members and colleagues and hearing their input at events such as our regular AG DOK WEST get-togethers featuring interesting guests from the film and media industry.
We will also continue our popular AG DOK Academies. For more information on these please visit: https://www.agdok.de/de_DE/akademie
We are currently organising our annual Docfilm Workshop in Monschau, and have already arranged additional dates for Docfest on Tour.
We are happy to support the interests of cultural filmmaking in North Rhine-Westphalia, together with other media associations, and look forward to lively discussions, exciting meetings and a productive exchange!
Luisa Bäde
E-Mail: mail@luisabaede.de
Kim Münster
E-Mail: kim@treibsand-film.de
Valentin Thurn
E-Mail: valentin@thurnfilm.deREGION HESSEN / Frankfurt am Main
The Region Hessen currently consists of some 70 members. The focus is on the Rhine-Main region, but successful productions also come from other areas in the state, particularly in and around Kassel. Members meet on a regular basis for collegial debates and discussions. The open industry get-together “Documentary Workshop” encourages members to share their knowledge and experience.
The AG DOK Hessen is a competent partner for everything relating to Hessian film policy, and is currently cooperating with other industry organisations such as the Initiative HessenFilm (including the Filmhaus Frankfurt, Film- und Kinobüro Hessen and the Association of the Hessian Film Industry) to restructure the Hessian film funding system.
The Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival is one of the top documentary film festivals in Germany. Cinemas such as the "Filmladen" in Kassel, "Traumstern" in Lich, "Filmforum" in Höchst, "Caligari" in Wiesbaden, "Orfeos Erben" and "Mal Sehn" in Frankfurt are known for their ambitious documentary film programmes.
In Frankfurt's Naxos-Halle, the initiative "Naxos-Kino" holds weekly screenings of current and classic documentary films.
Hannes Karnick
AG DOK Hessen / Rhine-Main
c/o docfilm
Heidelberger Landstr. 89, D-64297 Darmstadt
Telephone: 06151 51771
E-Mail: hannes.karnick@docfilm.de
Melanie Gärtner
Telephone: 0171 - 20 64 123
E-Mail: mail@m-eilenweit.deREGION SOUTHWEST
The AG DOK Southwest is the newest of our regional groups. We meet several times per year in Freiburg or Stuttgart to get to know one another, share experiences, and make plans. Our group consists of writer-directors, screenwriters, producers, cinematographers, film lecturers, media educators, etc
The AG DOK is the largest professional association of documentary filmmakers in Germany. We represent the interests of writers, directors and producers making documentary films primarily for public television and theatrical releases, including graduates of the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg who have stayed in the region.
Guests are very welcome.
For information about upcoming events, please send us an email:
Membership in the AG DOK is available at the following rates:
- 27,50 euros per month* / 330 euros per year (normal rate).
- 22 euros per month* / 264 euros per year for members with an annual taxable income of under 10,000 euros (verification required).
- 16 euros per month* / 192 euros per year for members with an annual taxable income of under 4,000 euros as well as for members who have reached retirement age and are no longer actively involved in filmmaking (verification required).
- 8 euros per month* / 96 euros per year for students, participants in vocationally related training courses and young professionals during the first year following the completion of their studies or training (upon submission of a certificate).
- Company and partner rate: Special arrangements are available for production companies, media workshops, and similar associations: If one member of the company pays the normal rate, then all other company employees are eligible for the reduced rate of 192 euros/year. No separate proof is required.
Membership can be cancelled at the end of the year (31 December) or the end of the first half-year (30 June) by sending an email to buero@agdok.de.
*Payment of membership dues can be made annually or semi-annually in order to reduce the number of accounting transactions and to minimise our accounting costs as much as possible. (Individual exceptions can be made if justified. Please contact the AG DOK office directly to clarify eligibility.)
Then take a look at some of our benefits
- 27,50 euros per month* / 330 euros per year (normal rate).
The AG DOK is the film- and media-political advocacy group for documentary filmmakers in Germany. We advocate for maintaining documentary program slots on television, realistic budgeting and fair compensation rules in dealings with broadcasters, and the strengthening of independent producers in Germany. We fight against the increasing underfunding of documentaries and other culturally significant films, and are active in media political matters such as film funding laws. Through its tireless lobbying efforts, the AG DOK has achieved a number of improvements in the documentary film industry. Our greatest accomplishments include:
- Founding the AG DOK Academy with advanced training and seminars for documentary filmmakers on a regular basis. (2014)
- Changing the distribution plan of the VFF (Collecting Society for In-House and Commissioned Productions): Producers now receive 85% of the disbursements instead of 50%. (2014)
- Amending of the Film Support Act FFG: Reference funding for documentaries is preserved and the requirements are simplified. (2013)
- Increasing the weight given to cultural criteria in film funding models. (2008)
- Upgrading documentaries to the same level as fictional productions in the distribution plan of the collecting society VG Wort. (2004)
- Introducing a second endowed nomination for documentaries in the German Film Awards. (2000)
- Gaining a seat and a vote for the AG DOK on the governing board of the German Federal Film Board FFA. (1998)
- At the request of the AG DOK, theatrical documentaries now enjoy the same status as fictional films with the collecting society VG Bild-Kunst. Up to this point, disbursements for fictional films were 8-10 times higher than for documentaries. (1993)
- Introduction of the “Documentary Film” category at the European Film Awards. (1989)
- As a result of an AG DOK initiative, the collecting societies double the distribution amounts for independent and co-produced documentaries. (1995)